Good people with good stories.
Alumni profiles highlight the lives of Oregon State University Alumnus that dedicate their lives to service.
Emilee Berry ‘11
A successful athletic trainer that utilizes the Beaver community to make connections and give back. The story is published on the OSU Alumni Association website.
Maria Ester Aguila ‘80 and Veronica Aquila Allen ‘89
These two sisters were the first, but certainly not last, members of their family to attend Oregon State. The connection they shared with the campus and its inhabitants remains strong, as they continually strive to give back and participate in OSU Alumni events. Their story is published on the OSU Alumni Association website.
Kay Campell, Professor Emerita
Though Kay is not a student alumna, she earned her place as a distinguished alumna of the OSU faculty. Her dedication to teaching has continued as has her dedication to OSU. Her story is published on the OSU Alumni Association website.
Lydia Mills ‘91
After a change in major, Lydia found her passion in social work. We sat down to discuss her current position and the role its taken during the pandemic. As well as, the opportunities she’s had to help others cope with quarantine related stress and anxiety.
Jason “Jay” Washabaugh ‘85
A dedicated SEAL and OSU alumnus, Jason “Jay” Washabaugh, continues to give back to the communities that helped form the person he is today. In his free time, Jay continues to volunteer with the SEALs (even after retirement) and the OSU alumni association as a mentor.
Working for the OSU Foundation.
The pieces accumulated and displayed here are the products of my time working as a student writer for the Oregon State University Foundation (OSUF). The OSUF is the philanthropic sector of Oregon State dedicated to fundraising large sums for faculty, students, research, etc.
As a member of the communications team, I provided back up on large tasks/projects, edited, and established communication with potential interviewees. The tasks I was most frequently responsible for were interviewing and drafting spotlights around said interviewee.